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Samsung Securities

Business Overview

Korea’s leading financial investment company

Samsung Securities

Samsung Securities is Korea’s leading financial investment company offering a wide range of services, from stock brokerage to asset management, corporate finance and proprietary trading.


Increasing growth momentum and enhancing profitability
through growth balanced between retail and IB.

Synergy has retail and IB/Trading

Synergy has retail and IB/Trading. Retail is Accelerate growth momentum in 3 areas for unique competiveness. Strengthen retail operations targeting high net worth individuals. Identify target overseas investment markets. Popularize digital asset management. IB/Trading is Maximize profit through effective capital allocations. Strengthen the dominace in structured product trading. Expand alternative investment and other capital-utilizing activities such as.

  • Set up a profit-centeredbusiness management structure
  • Improve IT competitiveness and strengthen internal control management
  • Reform the corporate culture

Samsung Securities fast offers investment opportunities in the global market by operating 28 domestic branches and five overseas offices, including subsidiaries.

28 domestic branches
5 Overseas offices