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Samsung Securities


Korea’s leading financial investment company


Beyond the Best — A financial company acknowledged as the best

Synergy has retail and IB/Trading
  • Lead the Market
    • Grow into a primary financial company expending core business.
    • Establish a stable income base diversifying business
  • Seek Challenge
    • Create new values activating synergies
    • Secure growth momentum
  • Center on Customers
    • Build a stature as a total solution provider
    • Lay a customer-friendly digital infrastructure
  • Build up trust
    • Foster a dynamic corporate culture that communicates and seeks challenge
    • Manage risks for sustainable growth
by business
삼성증권 사업 전략
  • Objectives by business
    • WM : First-rated player maximizing internal synergies and overwhelming peers
    • GM : Key GM partner in Asia region
    • Digital : Industry-leading total investment digital platform
    • IB1 : Unrivaled IB house that accompanies corporate growth
    • Channel solutions : Customer needs-based total solution provider
    • IB2 : Key financial partner in the alternative investment ecosystem